Aid workers in Unity state calls for education support of IDPs children

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[Bentiu, Unity State, South Sudan, TCT] Aid workers in Unity state report that the children in the Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites in Bentiu need more support to access education. A humanitarian aid agency that supports schools in the internally displaced camps in Unity state says more than 50,000 displaced children are currently schooling in Internally Displaced Peoples Camps (IDPs) schools in Bentiu. Speaking to media from Bentiu, Intersos Education Cluster Coordinator in Unity state, Mr. Bashir Ali, highlights the main challenges facing learning of children in the Protection of Civilian sites. “… the demands of education is high the Protection of Civilians site. After the influx from April this year, the school aged children were around 53,000. [But] the enrolment is 15,000”, he said. According to Ali, many children are out of school. “we need to conduct some awareness to ensure that these children are actually coming to school,” he added. Mr. Ali narrated that there is need for resources that will enable the children learn in the PoC. “There is shortage of school supplies, teachers, and learning infrastructure,” he said. Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei states are the most affected states by the recent conflict in the country. These states have experienced children drop out of schools due to displacement and attacks by armed forces.
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