A dream conceived in South Sudan: Oxford scholar wins academic award

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[Chevenning] Dr Chuor de Garang Alier (MD, MMed-OBGY), an MSc student in Clinical Embryology at the Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health, was given the top prize in awards which celebrate the academic achievements of African and Caribbean students in the UK.

[Chevenning] Dr Chuor de Garang Alier (MD, MMed-OBGY), an MSc student in Clinical Embryology at the Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health, was given the top prize in awards which celebrate the academic achievements of African and Caribbean students in the UK.

A South Sudanese refugee, Chuor worked hard to finish school whilst living between internally displaced people’s camps in South Sudan and Uganda. His school education was frequently interrupted and Chuor regularly had to restart his studies, often working under the shade of a tree until grass-thatched classrooms could be built. Read More here

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