Prayer to Unite the Heart of Women for Mother’s Day

Inspiration-Lessons of Hope for South Sudan
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Prayer to Unite the Heart of Women for Mother’s Day Around the World For Children at Risk, by Janet Helms

Prayer to Unite the Heart of Women for Mother’s Day Around the World For Children at Risk, by Janet Helms


As we prepare this MOTHER’S DAY on May 10th to celebrate the women in our lives who have nurtured and sacrificed for us, we are asking that those with a mother’s heart would unify and stand as advocates for the children of the nations. This May 9th & 10th we ask that you consider fasting and praying with those around the world. This is our prayer-

Abba Father, we come to you with a broken heart of a mother for the children of the world, begging and crying out for you to rescue them, especially the young lambs of Jesus (based on John 21:15). We ask you, Father, to put an end to the killing and abuse of your little ones. We especially pray for the children of Syria. Holy Spirit, unite our hearts in this cry to save your children.

We are seeing the spirit of wrath and anger unleashed upon the world, especially against the most vulnerable, yet we know love is greater than hate. In the name of Jesus: we bind the spirit of death and loose the spirit of life; and, we bind the spirit of hate and loose the spirit of the everlasting love, where springs of living water mount up and refresh.

We pray and turn to you, El-Shaddai, God Almighty, who is all sufficient (Genesis 17:1-5). What man has meant for evil, use for good to bring us together in spirit from around the world, made possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. As your mother stayed by the Cross and by your side through all parts of your death, watching and praying through the humiliation and excruciating pain for the sake of her son, the Messiah, let us stand at the foot of the Cross together for the children of the world.

The greatest tool we have against the devices of the enemy is prayer. Now let us unite in prayer as one voice storming the gates of heaven. For those children martyred we know they immediately were with you, Jesus, in paradise. We pray for you to send the ministering angels to come to the families and communities. These are the same angels who came to comfort and minister to our Lord at the end of his 40 days of temptation in the wilderness.

In the name of Jesus and by His blood we say to Satan, you can not have our children. They belong to Jesus and with our mother’s love we pray for the end of the assault of Satan on Jesus’ lambs.

Again we pray in the name of Jesus Christ and by His blood to pray against the spiritual attack of Satan upon the faith of our children. In the Name of Jesus Christ we bind the spirit of unbelief and idol worship and loose the spirit of abiding faith among our children.

As the Good Shepherd, bring your little lambs to lie down in green pastures and walk beside the still waters. Restore their souls. (Based on Psalm 23)

We thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayer. It says in Scripture that we do not have because we do not ask (based on James 4:2 and Matthew 7.7). We are asking you now and together to save our children.

In His Eternal Love, Janet Helms

Janet is the founder for Orphaned Heart Ministries. She has been helping orphans in Uganda since 2001 through a kinship model. In 2006, she started working with students from Uganda Christian University (UCU) to bring psychological and spiritual healing to those who have been orphaned by AIDS, polygamy, violence, and abandonment. She helped students to form a spiritual family through sharing their stories, praying for each other, studying Scripture, and doing ministry together

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