[Juba, South Sudan, Radio Tamazuj] South Sudanese officials including the president and two vice presidents on Saturday failed to attend special prayers organized for them by the religious leaders from the South Sudan Council of Churches.
The Council of Churches organized prayers for the three men and the new government's cabinet aimed at blessing, encouraging, and supporting the country's leadership.
Speaking on Saturday at the ministry of parliamentary affairs, Catholic Archbishop Pauline Lukudo said the purpose of the event was to pray for the president, two vice presidents, and the entire government officials about their unity in the country.
“The intention of this day is to pray together with our government officials especial the president, the first vice president, vice president, the ministers and those who surround them. I think that is the intention of this day," Bishop Lukudo said.
“We did not come here to pray badly against the government or I didn’t know, but we are coming here to strengthening the government," he said. “Since they do not have their group among us, we are here the religious leaders and I think we are part of this government."
Bishop Lukudo said the president and first vice president including the entire cabinet members knew about challenges and suffering of the people of South Sudan. He said that as a church they wanted to express their position to the leadership in the country that they are praying for their success every day.
“There are a lot….a lot and big challenges in the government, in the country. They are supposed to address them," he said.
The bishop said that despite Riek Machar's faction returning to Juba he urges the government to bring other factions outside the country back for South Sudan to observe total peace.
Souroce: Radio Tamazuj